Sneha (Jamalpur Shelter)


In Bangladesh, the phenomenon of prostitution is spread throughout the country. There are 13 registered and authorized brothels where women and girls involved in the trade are unprivileged, abused, exploited and face a condition of powerless and vulnerability towards brothel landlords, traffickers, police as well as the mainstream society.

In the country both forced and wilful prostitution entail the denial of the right to childhood, life, liberty and personal security, their rights to adequate standard of living, their rights not to be sexually exploited and to enjoy psychological, physical and sexual health, the freedom of movement and the freedom from torture and degrading treatment.

Furthermore, widespread social discrimination, as well as government negligence, prevents the sex workers’ entitlement to citizen’s rights and all social status according to the Constitution. This means that they’re set apart from mainstream society and do not have the right to take part in the social and cultural life, to health services and personal security, to educate their children, to be recognized as a person before the law, to remedy by competent tribunal, etc.

Aparajeyo-Bangladesh started construction of a permanent safe shelter in Jamalpur from 2020 on a piece of land donated by the Mayor of Jamalpur City Corporation. Initially the boundary wall and gate was constructed by Mr. Faruque Hossain Chowdhury, Upazila Chairman. During the construction, Mr. Engineer Nurul Islam, Founder of Hasil School & College and philanthropist visited the construction site and decided to complete the construction with his own financial resources. The safe shelter was completed and inaugurated on 19th February 2021 by Mr. Al Haj Mohammad Mozaffar Hossain, Member of Parliament, Mr. Mirza Azam, Member of Parliament, Mr. Faruque Hossain Chowdhury, Upazila Chairman, Local Government Officials, Mr. Engineer Nurul Islam and community members.

  • Aparajeyo-Bangladesh started construction of a permanent safe shelter in Jamalpur
  • Aparajeyo-Bangladesh started construction of a permanent safe shelter in Jamalpur
  • Aparajeyo-Bangladesh started construction of a permanent safe shelter in Jamalpur
  • Aparajeyo-Bangladesh started construction of a permanent safe shelter in Jamalpur
  • Aparajeyo-Bangladesh started construction of a permanent safe shelter in Jamalpur
  • Aparajeyo-Bangladesh started construction of a permanent safe shelter in Jamalpur
  • Aparajeyo-Bangladesh started construction of a permanent safe shelter in Jamalpur
  • Aparajeyo-Bangladesh started construction of a permanent safe shelter in Jamalpur
  • Aparajeyo-Bangladesh started construction of a permanent safe shelter in Jamalpur
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  • Aparajeyo-Bangladesh started construction of a permanent safe shelter in Jamalpur
Aparajeyo-Bangladesh started construction of a permanent safe shelter in Jamalpur1 Aparajeyo-Bangladesh started construction of a permanent safe shelter in Jamalpur2 Aparajeyo-Bangladesh started construction of a permanent safe shelter in Jamalpur3 Aparajeyo-Bangladesh started construction of a permanent safe shelter in Jamalpur4 Aparajeyo-Bangladesh started construction of a permanent safe shelter in Jamalpur5 Aparajeyo-Bangladesh started construction of a permanent safe shelter in Jamalpur6 Aparajeyo-Bangladesh started construction of a permanent safe shelter in Jamalpur7 Aparajeyo-Bangladesh started construction of a permanent safe shelter in Jamalpur8 Aparajeyo-Bangladesh started construction of a permanent safe shelter in Jamalpur9 Aparajeyo-Bangladesh started construction of a permanent safe shelter in Jamalpur10 Aparajeyo-Bangladesh started construction of a permanent safe shelter in Jamalpur11

জামালপুর সেন্টারে একটিভিটি সমূহ

একটিভিটি সমূহ একটিভিটি সমূহ একটিভিটি সমূহ একটিভিটি সমূহ
বাণিজ্য মেলা ভাষা শহীদদের প্রতি শ্রদ্ধা বার্ষিক শিক্ষা সফর-২০২৪ বিশেষ দোয়া ও মোনাজাত
ভালবাসি জামালপুর বাংলার চিঠি ডটকম গান্ধী আশ্রমে শুটিং ২৯ তম প্রতিষ্ঠা বার্ষিকী
শীতবস্ত্র বিতরন মহান বিজয় দিবস ২০২৩ 16 December-Sneha প্রথম আলো বন্ধু সভা
লুইস ভিলেজ রোটারী ক্লাব শিশুর জন্য বিনিয়োগ ভবিষ্যতের বিশ্ব গড়ি
ফ্রি স্বাস্থ্যসেবা মির্জা আজম এমপি স্বাধীনতা দিবস স্বরূপ কুমার কাহালি
জেলা পরিষদ শুভ জন্মদিন নিত্য প্রয়োজনীয় পণ্য জাতীয় শোক দিবস
মহৎ জামালপুরবাসী বিনামূল্যে আইনি সেবা ঈদ উৎসব ঈদ উপহার
শুভ নববর্ষ ফারুক আহাম্মেদ চৌধুরী জাহাঙ্গীর সেলিম Entrepreneurs Association
ইফতার আয়োজন শহীদদের প্রতি শ্রদ্ধা জাতীয় শিশু দিবস-২০২৩ স্মার্ট বাংলাদেশ
ফাগুন মেলা স্নেহা আশ্রয়কেন্দ্র উদ্বোধন বার্ষিক বনভোজন-২০২৩